Welcome to Wingham and District Right to Life

Our mission is to support and enourage the Pro-life Movement in Canada.  We are a volunteer, non-sectarian human rights organization dedicated, through education, to providing a sure and certain voice regarding the care and protection of the unborn, women hurt by abortion, the infirm, persons with disabilities and the aged. We oppose the violence of abortion, fetal and embryonic experimentation, embryonic stem cell research, unethical reproductive technologies, infanticide, assisted suicide and euthanasia.

Wingham Right to Life encourages pro-life projects and initiatives in the community. We monitor and respond to bias in the media, popular culture and government policy that promotes attitudes and practices that are not life affirming. 


Our History

Wingham & District Right to Life  was founded in Wingham in January, 1974.  The mandate of this group is to promote the protection and sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death. We are chiefly educational in nature and have engaged in countless activities over the years to uphold the dignity and sanctity of human life.